Full / Partial Dentures
Full Dentures:
When you lose all of your teeth, facial muscles can sag, making you look older. Dentures can help fill out the appearance of your face and profile and restore the function in order to eat.Partial Dentures:
They are used to replace missing teeth for aesthetics and restore the ability to eat foods. There are 2 types of partial dentures acrylic (plastic) or metal ones. Fees change depending how many teeth need to be replaced. In general acrylic dentures begin from $815 to $1,250. Metal dentures (Chrome-cobalt) from $1,550 to $1,950.Before and After Examples

This patient had 2 missing teeth and a broken front tooth. He couldn't afford implants or bridge so partial denture was a good solution for him. We replaced 2 front teeth with plastic upper denture and repaired the broken tooth with white filling.

This patient had upper missing teeth and an upper partial denture which had short teeth. We veneered the existing upper teeth and replaced the upper denture with a new one.

This patient had upper missing teeth and wasn't happy with the appearance of her upper teeth. Direct veneers placed to existing teeth and an upper partial denture given to replace missing teeth.

This patient had an existing denture which had irregular shaped teeth. 'D' represents tooth on denture. 'T' existing tooth. 'V' The tooth which has direct veneer. We changed the partial denture with a new one and veneered the existing upper teeth to achieve esthetics.

This patient had an existing upper partial denture, she wasn't happy with the appearance of it. 'D' represents denture tooth. We did direct veneers on existing upper teeth and changed the upper denture to a new one.

This patient had an existing denture, dark colored gum was used on the denture and wasn't happy with the esthetics of it. She had discolored back teeth, long canine tooth. Existing teeth reshaped and their shade lightened up with direct veneers and a new denture is done to improve the esthetics.